Thursday 16 August 2018

Common questions about hair transplant ?

hair transplant

Is hair transplant painful?
hair transplants are carried out under local anaesthetic, which means you will be
awake and free to talk to your surgeon but you won’t feel a thing throughout the procedure.
When the anaesthetic is injected into the scalp it might sting a little but it is bearable and
goes numb very quickly.

Is there any scars after hair transplant procedure?
It depends on the technology that was used during the procedure, Patients can avoid scarring
by opting for a FUE transplant. The advantage of FUE over FUT is the scarring is almost impossible
to detect. FUT patients tend to have a lined scar on the scalp where the donor grafts are removed.
FUE patients have visible red pin pricks immediately after the grafts are removed and replanted in the

balding areas. These tend to go away after a few days and there are no visible scars thereafter.

How long does the FUE Hair Transplant procedure take?

The time depends on the number of grafts implanted, it takes normally around 7-8 hours.

When does the final result of hair transplantation appear?
The 100% hair transplant results will appear after (6-12 months) later, It depends on the nature of
each person's body.

Will hair transplant results look completely natural?
Hair transplantation, when done right, can be so natural that even your hair stylist will not know that
you've had it done.But the skill and techniques of hair transplant surgeons does vary widely, as do
their results. It's important to choose the right procedure and clinic to assure that you will get
completely natural results

What is the cost of hair transplant surgery?
The reality is that there are many factors that impact the cost of a hair transplant such as
(Country - Hospital - Surgeon - Number of bulbs - Hair transplantation technology).

Bestfue center provides hair transplant service from 1700 to 2000 euro.

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